Saturday, September 22, 2007


only at this age can we get away with
Me & Ty

Here's a sneak peak...

of my halloween costume this year..any guesses?

Preschool begins again

I started preschool. It is every friday morning until Christmas. We are hoping that they teach us something this year, and that there wont be a repeat of the last session.

Fall leaves

It was something else. Literally one morning we woke up and there were leaves everywhere. This means that winter is fast approaching.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Sesame street live

was soooo much fun. We had the best seats, and I got to meet several of the characters. The best kids event yet!

another trip to the thresermans museum

Saturday, Sept 8/07
Today My Momma and I went with nana, Poppa and Oma wiebe to the mennonite dinner at the museum. Very yummy perogies, and I got to run around.

A VERY strong bond...

is what I have with my Poppa. We are 2 peas in a pod, and I just love him to pieces. He is just the best grandpa I could ask for.

furry caterpillar

We found this cute little guy crawling up our house, so of course My Momma made me pose for pictures with it. The first time it crawled on my hand, I got scared, screamed, and dropped it, but I got very brave!!

Goldeyes game

I went to a Goldeyes game in Winnipeg with my Momma, Daddy, Nana & Poppa. I wasn't overly excited about the baseball game, but my highlight was getting to meet Goldie


Monday of September long: My Sassy, Poppa and Momma finished painting our house, and nana got to spend hours playing with me. She put a little ponytail in my hair and brought me back home to surprise my parents.

Thresermans museum in Morden

Momma wanted to get some great pictures of me here...umm not too great, but some ok ones.
I had a blast though!! Lots of room for me to run around

professional water slider

September long: I started by going down the waterslide with Momma & Daddy, the moved on to going down by myself(even backwards at times)and eventually didnt even want them to catch me at the bottom. I have really started to love the water!!

Pembina hills

Saturday of Sept long, we went for a short hike and then had a picnic lunch on the observation deck. Si wanted a walking stick just like his uncle Curt.

evening at the mosquito pond

I refused to take off my tacky sunglasses, but the pictures still turned out ok. I LOVE the picture of me with Ella Regier on the bench. It was such a beautiful night to spend there, walking around and exploring.

Justin Timberlakes youngest fan

Showing off the tshirt I got from this phenomenal concert I went to with My Momma. It should last me for many, many(MANY) years..hee hee