Sunday, January 27, 2008

My Poppa's birthday

January 26/08
We celebrated my Poppa's birthday.
I was so pumped to show him the picture I decorated for him, and the card I made for him. I have decided that I am going to be an artist when Im older(My Momma thinks I will do great in that profession too)
My Poppa and I fought swords, watched a movie, and him and My Nana made a yummy italian meal for us.
Tomorrow, I am going to spend the day just with my Nana & Poppa.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

January photo shoot

January 22/08
Just a few pics that My Momma took of me this morning...She has some posted on her blog too.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I was really excited about the size of the grapes at Nana & Poppa's house. DELICIOUS!!!!!!!

Time with Nana & Poppa

January 13/08
We often go to nana & Poppa's for dinner on Sundays, and of course I had a blast with them(like always)
Poppa & I played swords(I made him be Captain Hook, by wearing my hook so that I could be Peter Pan)
That was followed by chasing and tickle time.
Then, I was more then ready for cuddle time with Nana. She told me the Hansel & Gretel story while I relaxed.
This weekend I told my Momma that my Nana & Santa Clause know everything in the world.
When she asked about Poppa, I said no because he doesnt know "Hansel & gretel"
Out of the mouths of babes!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Saturday, jan 5/08
Just checking in, to say Hi to HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cuddles with my Momma

Saturday, January 5, 2008
I was in a silly mood after lunch, so I got caught having lots of cuddles with my Momma.