The Easter bunny spoiled me...I got 4 dvds, a cd, some books, and chocolate. It was a special Easter because even My dad came to spend Easte at the house with us, and my Oma Wiebe came over for Easter dinner.
I worked my way through the snow to find my easter goodies. The Easter bunny left a trail of chocolate all the way to the back of the house where I found a basket FULL of awesome goodies
March 16/08 This afternoon was my recital, and it was so fun. My Momma & dad were really proud of me. My Momma didnt post the pictures of our group shots(in case the parents wouldnt appreciate that) But here I am with my dance teacher. She was an amazing teacher, and I cant wait to take dance again in the fall
march 15/08 This afternoon was my dance rehearsal, and the parents were encouraged to take pictures today..It was hard to get good ones with the lighting, but my Parents think I was born to be a star!!!
When Poppa was driving My Momma & I to the airport, Uncle Curt sat in the backseat with me, and told me the BEST stories EVER!!!! He tells the coolest stories!! My Momma really LOVES this last picture of me with him because she thinks it shows the love I share with my uncle. **Once we have our other Florida pictures, we will backtrack and post them too
March 14/08 here i was enjoying my last few hours with Uncle Curt and Auntie Cindy..They even bought me a shamu coloring book, which I let Uncle Curt colour in...hee hee next time I see them, Im going to try to let them pick out their own colours in the book..haa haa
I want to be just like My Uncle Curt, so I was practicing my Then I was lucky because my Poppa read me my bedtime story, and put me to sleep.
I went with My Momma to Florida for 13 days, to see my Nana, Poppa, and aunties and uncle. Our pictures are still with My Poppa, so for now I can only show off a few other florida pictures. Here I am at Sea World. I got my picture taken with a walking "shamu" I was even braver than My Momma and went on a roller coaster with My Uncle Curt. I enjoyed the carousel with My Poppa and my Auntie Cindy. Sea world was so cool...We were in the splash zone at the shamu show, but we were able to stay dry.